Bipartisan advocates for smart, sustainable environmental policies in Connecticut

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Keep the Momentum Going: Green Jobs

A recently-formed Job Growth Roundtable played to a full room today when it announced its recommendations for jump-starting job growth and hiring in Connecticut.image

Underscoring the notion that improving our economy must go hand-in-hand with improving our environment, the roundtable wisely suggests focusing on three specific areas: transportation, water and energy.

CTLCV supports that focus as well as key principles behind the roundtable’s recommendations: that we must leverage our resources, and we must increase accountability, cooperation, clip_image002and coordination across government. We too believe that “effective public policy stokes economic growth.”

While today’s press event was led by Democrats, it’s notable that one of them, Representative Denise Merrill, made a point of voicing support for a related initiative championed by Governor Rell--applying a “lean” approach to delivering government services, as is being implemented at the Department of Environmental Protection and other state agencies.

As the curtain lifts on the 2010 legislative session, that’s a good start to the bipartisan effort that will be needed to lift ourselves from our economic doldrums. We look forward to Governor Rell keeping the momentum for green jobs going in her opening address tomorrow.

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